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United Kingdom Salutations, I am Bean! I am a British university student studying Mathematics & Computer Science. Feel free to take a look around my site! It is small, but was made with love. I hope you enjoy your stay. :]

Britain Salutations, I am Bean! I am a British university student studying Mathematics & Computer Science. Feel free to take a look around my site! I hope you enjoy your stay. :]

Recently, Bean has been... hyped for Bloomburrow!

Check out the log page for more of my recent ruminations!

Been a bit since last we spoke? Peruse the now page to see what I'm up to at the minute.

New in town? Read the about page to learn about me.


(Fluffery) <- Prev
- Next -> (Ishan)   
(Leilukin) <- Prev
- Next -> (Ikaroll) 


If you've reached this website, there's a 99% chance you already know how to contact me. If not, you can email me at bean at beanrob dot com.

You can also download my public PGP key if you want. Simply invoke the following:

curl beanrob.com/static/pgp.pub | gpg --import

If you'd like to, you can also link back to me:

<a href="https://beanrob.com"> <img src="https://beanrob.com/static/button.gif"> </a>

See Also

Copyleft 2023 - 2024 beanrob, all wrongs reserved
Inkling art by sushisushigore