getting into MTG

Hello all. A brief update for you as to what I've been up to.

The holidays from university have been going well. I've had lots of opportunities to catch up with friends from home, which has been nice. Though, a lot of it has been spent merely doing work, which sucks, but it's whatever. It's what I'm paying for, after all.

Most excitingly, I've finished Rise of Tiamat. Lyle has served me very well, and I'm glad to see them finish their adventure and get an opportunity to rest. The only issue is that now I crave more D&D... Hopefully we'll have another game up and running soon.

I've been spending the rest of my spare time looking into Magic: The Gathering. I've wanted to get into it for a good while now, but I kept forgetting to. One of my friends that I live with is also investigating it currently, so I am too.

I was very quickly drawn in by the existance of the Lord of the Rings set. The cards are all so cool and so flavourful. My favourite is easily Saruman of Many Colours. His mill/steal based effect is so flvaourful. It is just like how he destroys all of the natural resources of Isengard for his own use.

I very much look forward to my birthday on Sunday, for hopefully then I shall receive some cards, which is a most exciting prospect. I look forward to getting a chance to play the game.

games d&d mtg

link <module 'datetime' from '/usr/lib64/python3.9/'> posted on  04/04/2024  at  12:49
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