at the National Museum of Computing

Salutaitons, all. Things have been quite well recently. My birthday was on Sunday, which was very nice. My mum made a smashing cake and I got some cool stuff. A new bag, and also some MTG cards to start my collection (currently having a lot of fun, looking to build an Elminster commander deck), as well as a loaf tin, which I will be baking many a cake in I've no doubt.

The day before, though, I had a most splendid outing to the National Museum of Computing. I had been to Bletchley Park a few years ago, and it was good, but this was even better. There was lots about the wartime computing, and it was more detailed than that in Bletchley Park. There were working replicas of several machines, and it was wonderful to learn many a fact about them.

What I was really there for, though, was the retro computers. And boy were they plentiful. It was quite astonishing how big they were. The disk drives were comparable to that of two ovens adjoined to each other. Astonishing! I also got to play some of an old text-based adventure game named Colossal Cave. It was very cool to see an old era game!

There were also some very good demos for the retro side of things. There was a working phone server that you could see dial, and also an old computer that let you take a selfie with a grainy 90s webcam. It was so good!


link 2024-04-11 01:02 posted on  11/04/2024  at  01:02
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