Salutations. I'm just here with a brief update. I am alive and suriving university. Third year is pretty weird. My timetable is less filled, but I feel even more busy than ever. It's quite stressful, but I'm managing. I don't have terribly much to tell right now. I'm still at the usual shenanigans: D&D is good and I am enjoying running it for my housemates again, I have been cooking new MTG decks (my latest is Mirko, Obsessive theorist - see the card gallery page), and plenty of video gaming has been taking place. I'm also rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, which I might write a little about in my next post, but not right now.

See you later.

games mtg

link 2024-10-14 14:59 posted on  14/10/2024  at  14:59
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