on the dissertation grind
Good evening, all. It has been a bit since my last post once again, and, my apologies. University sure does keep me busy. It's nice, though, having things to work on. I'm really enjoying my dissertation project about software for visualising hyperbolic geometry, and I might have a thing or two to post about it towards the Christmas holidays.
Now then, what have I been up to since last time? The honest answer is not too much, honestly. I have a few things to mention, but it's nothing terribly exciting. Unfortunately, not even any baked goods to show, since I've not really had the baking itch that much.
I have been playing a decent amount of Guilty Gear lately and having a lot of fun. Faust's new golf club move is hilarious and I'm getting much enjoyment out of launching all my items at my opponents. I've been playing a bit with one of my housemates too which is nice. They're a big Dizzy fan so are finally picking the game up now that she's out. They're not exactly an equal opopnent yet, but, even if they've got a long way to go, they're working on it.
Also, for Halloween, I got to dust off my Faust outfit, which was nice. Behold!

My continuted Magic the Gathering ventures have gone well, too. I'm currently testing out a decklist for Gandalf the White which aims to be a sort of control value list that is stuffed with lots of lovely artifacts and legendaries. I'm not proud enough to show it off yet, but I'll put it on the card gallery page when it's ready. Additionally, when I went to visit some friends from school near London, I went to a nearby card games shop and found a new Gisa for my colleciton, which is excellent news. And, one last piece of MtG excitement: I'm going to get to draft Mystery Booster 2 next Tuesday with my university's card games society. I'm very excited, since that set's pretty damn awesome! If I get any cool cards, I'll definitely post them.
I don't think I've got too terribly much else I want to mention. I'm looking forward to Arcane Season 2 releasing on Saturday, but, beyond that, there's not too much more excitement in my life. Just trying to survive the onslaught of work. And survival is enough! So, I'll see you in the next log post.