Hello all. A brief update on the site today.

Firstly, a new page: card gallery. This is for my various MTG ramblings and to show off my collection.

Secondly: I am forming a webring. It is called Wizard Webring and it is for people that like wizards and fantasy media. I made it because I've got a few friends making sites, and so when they're done we can link our sites together via it. But, if you're reading this and I've not mentioned it to you yet, feel free to contact me about joining.

That's all this update. No other news on my life. So, I'll see you in the next post. Until then.

site games mtg

link 2024-08-06 21:52 posted on  06/08/2024  at  21:52

hyped for Bloomburrow

Good tidings. I have one thing on my mind right now, and it's Bloomburrow. I am so excited for this new Magic set it's crazy. The cards have such cute art and the cards seem actually wuite powerful (a nice change after the last 2 sets). I have the Peace Offering Commander deck on pre-order and I cannot wait to go and collect it. I have 2 friends also getting Commander decks from the set and I'm very excited to get to paly with them. It's just been a while since I had some new cards, so I'm really looking forward to it.

I also have something to annoucne: a new page on the site, being Cuppa Conquest. It's my quest to find the best tearoom around by rating them all comprehensively. If you're interested, do check it out. I've just gone on holiday so there'll be lots of tearoom trips soon, so I should have a good amount of reviews soon! I will also add a map to it at some point to show my tearoom-faring adventures.

That's all. Might have some holiday photos posted here soon. Until then!

games mtg site

link 2024-07-19 21:02 posted on  19/07/2024  at  21:02

juggling many RPGs

Hello all. I hope this log post finds you well. I've done a little bit of renovation in the log department. Mainly, we now have an RSS feed! You can paste in the link to the RSS feed into your RSS feed reader of choice to receive notifications whenever I update the log. How dandy!

Another small change: posts are now presented in pages. Might make browsing a little less painful since you won't need to load every post at once merely to see one post.

What else have I been up to? Well, not too terribly much. Desperately, and unsuccessfully, hunting for jobs is the main thing, since I need a way to make money for rent next university year. Other than that, I've mostly been playing lots and lots of video games! I am perhaps biting off a bit more than I can chew though: I am currently playing through 4 RPGs. Which is definitely a lot! But I just had lots of games I wanted to play this summer.

My current favourite is The World Ends With You. Until this summer I didn't really know anything about it. I had heard people speak well of it in past, saying it was an exceptional DS game, but I had never really looked into it properly. The way I ended up playing it was one of my friends wanted to do a Pokemon soul link for Pokemon HeartGold Version. I wanted to play on original hardware, so I spent a bit of time getting my old DS flashcart working. When I was loading it up with ROMs, thinking about what I should use it to play, I remembered hearing good things about TWEWY, and here I am.

My thoughts on the game are fond. Combat is still quite hard to me even though I'm on week 2. It's just a bit overwhelming having to handle the combat on both screens. But I do like it a lot. The pin system is so customisable. And the story is pretty decent too. But what I love most is the music and aesthetic of the game, because if you take one look at the game you can go "Yep, that was made in the mid-2000s." Which is something I love. Not sure why, but I do just love how games were then.

So I'm having a very good time with TWEWY! I definitely want to play the sequel when it comes out. And, FYI, my favourite chracter is, by far, Minamimoto. He's so funny and I like his hilarious way of speaking. He's one of those characters that just makes me feel very seen.

The other games I'm playing throught at the mintue are the aforementioned Pokemon HeartGold Version soul link, as well as Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. and the Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake. Though I don't have much to say on those. You know me: love my Pokemon, love my Mario, simple as.

Anyways, that's all. If you subscribe to RSS, please do let me know. I'll se you in the next post. Until then!

site games twewy

link 2024-07-09 15:43 posted on  09/07/2024  at  15:43
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