Hello all. Here's a brief blog update.

Today (or, well, now yesterday) was Pokemon Day. The Pokemon Presents livestream was very good. I am pleased that the leaks about Unova or Johto games were wrong. It was very nice to have something not predicted by leaks. A lovely surprise indeed.

Though I've not been playing it, I've been listening to a lot of the Splatoon 3: Side Order OST. Splatoon music always goes hard, but man, this is another level. And I'm a big fan of dedf1sh too. It's cool that the game properly commits to them being non-binary, cause that's not something that gets represented properly nearly enough.

Also, here's some blondies I made last weekend: Recipe is here.

Lastly, university is going pretty ok. I've just got to wade through the end of term turmoil induced by having two big programming courseworks to do now. Then, on the other side, all that awaits me is the further despair of revision. Such is university indeed... See you in the next blog post.

games pokemon splatoon bakes

link 2024-02-28 00:53 posted on  28/02/2024  at  00:53
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