monopolising the world

It's September! Goodness, time is indeed flying. But while it has been flying, I have been doing many silly things! So, here's an update on such matters. Huzzah!

One thing I have been doing a lot of lately is board games. I have had a few sesisons of playing Fortune Street with friends which has been brilliant fun. That game is absolutely crazy. In one match someone had a monopoly before having even been around the board once. And the stock market is just disgusting at making you money quickly. I wish the rest of the series wasn't Japan only.

Fortune Street hasn't been the only property trading board game I've been playing though. I've had a few rounds of regular Monopoly with people before playing a big game of Ultimate Monopoly (which I talk about briefly in this post). It took a whole afternoon for us to finish the game, but it was amazing fun.

Of course I was put on baked goods duty. This turned out a mighty cheesecake indeed.

We had 7 players, so the board being so big worked quite well. We really needed the extra properties. But, it was surprising which ones really took off. The utilities, which there were now 8 of, were a really big hitter with little investment, and high-end properties were a lot better than before because you only need all but one property of a set to build improvements. That, and the board's properties were bought out rather quickly thanks to the Mr Monopoly face of the speed die letting you move to an unowned property.

A glimpse at the horrifying board. Do not attempt to intuit whatever it all means.

The added mechanics of stocks, bingo, and travel vouchers were welcome, but the former two were quite underwhelming. Travel vouchers were grand though, letting you move a specific number of spaces rather than rolling. It really helps you to get properties you need or dodge high rent properties.

That's most of the excitement in the past half a month or so. I'm starting to get to the point where I'm looking forward to returning to university. Not wholly though, still dreading my project... Whatever. I'll survive. See you in the next post.

games monopoly fortune-street

link 2024-09-05 14:56 posted on  05/09/2024  at  14:56

delving into dungeons

Hello all. Here's a little update on how my summer has been going.

Recently I made the trek to Warwick Castle with some friends. It was a very good outing. I had been there twice before, but both instances were many many moons ago. I think since then I have acrued a lot more medieval fantasy based interests (D&D, Fire Emblem, etc.) which made me enjoy it even more this time. I can very much recommend it. The castle and dungeons were great, the jousting was spectacular, and it was an all round good day out.

View of the castle, and armour in the great hall.

A project me and a freind have been working on this past week is assembling Ultimate Monopoly by jonizaak. We thought if we had a bunch of people over to play it one afternoon it'd be most hilarious. However, we didn't expect it to be such a pain to compile: it needs resources from Monopoly, Monopoly Stock Exchange, Monopoly: The Mega Edition, and Monopoly Super Add-Ons. It took us a while, but we got there. We're going to play the game in August, so after we're done with that I might make a follow-up post reviewing the chaos.

With said friend I also made an orange and almond cake. Not something I've ever made before, but it was very tasty. Can recommend. It was very funny to make though, requiring you to simmer an orange for an hour so it purees more easily.

Straight up simmering it right now... And, by it, hehe, let's just say my orange.

Dungeons & Dragons is a game very prevalent in my mind right now. I've been playing a lot with my group going through Lost Mine of Phandelver at the minute, and I'm likely going to be playing with another group too, soon. I'm looking forward to getting to make another character. Nothing's set in stone right now, but the updates to the Wizard in the 2024 PHB are really making me want to play an Illusioner. It's just a subclasss I've never really thought about before, but I think really suits my playstyle. I might ask if I can use the updated version since I really like the enw features it gets. We'll see. I'm just glad that I want to play Wizard again, because my old wizard was one of my favourite characters I've ever played. It's a much needed return to my roots.

My quest of learning Magic: The Gathering is going well too. I've made a deck centred around Sefris of the Hidden Ways that makes a ton of value by going through dungeons super fast. It's super fun! If a little strong for the rest of my playgroup. I've managed to find a fourth person as well, so I'm no longer stuck playing 3 player Commander. Huzzah!

I think that's all I have to tell for now. Summer is going well. I have lots to occupy myself, and when I'm not occupied I am quite happy to just sit there and chill. It's nice not having to work constantly any more. So, I shall see you in the next post. Until then!

outings bakes games d&d mtg monopoly

link 2024-06-29 14:42 posted on  29/06/2024  at  14:42
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